BTC carries out concrete technological and technical consultancy, on-site sampling and static tests in its laboratories in Budapest, Dunaújváros and Debrecen. Beton Technológia Centrum Kft.’s accredited laboratories analyse the properties of cement directly in the concrete, and the specialists are able to elaborate optimal concrete recipes for each application field.
Fresh concrete tests:
- consistency measurement
- on-site and laboratory sampling, specimen preparation
- fresh concrete air content determination
- density determination
- water/cement factor determination
Hardened concrete tests:
- destructive testing of mechanical properties (compressive strength, cleavage strength)
- non destructive testing with Schmidt hammer
- watertight testing
- frost resistance and freeze-scaling testing
- core sample drilling with diameters 50-100-150 mm
Aggregates Examinations
- sampling
- grain distribution examination
- defining clay-mud content with sedimentation
- defining water content
- defining bulk density and water absorption of grains
Other services:
- design and maintenance of concrete formula
- test mixing
- core temperature measure of mass concrete
- digital maturity services
- concrete technology consultancy
- preparation for certified factory product control